Toute l'actu sur la protection de l'environnement

Tag: Changement climatique

Total 61 Posts

AFRICA: natural capital is gradually being taken into account

Long ignored and plundered by essentially capitalist exploitation, Africa’s natural capital is now emerging as a guarantee of a green economy and an opportunity for global climate action. Studied, quantified and sustainably developed, the potential of Africa’s natural capital offers opportunities that complement private capital flows and official development assistance.

AFRIQUE : Greenpeace soutient António Guterres pour l’abandon des énergies fossiles

À l’invitation du secrétaire général de l’Organisation des Nations unies (ONU), un Sommet mondial sur l’Ambition climatique se tient le 20 septembre 2023 à New York aux États unis d’Amérique. António Guterres saisit cette occasion pour lancer un appel pour l’abandon des combustibles fossiles. Pour apporter son soutien à cet appel du patron de l’ONU, Greenpeace a mobilisé des centaines de militants à travers plus de 550 actions organisées dans 60 pays dont le Cameroun, et la République démocratique du Congo (RDC).

LIBYA: climate is said to be the cause of the floods that ravaged East of the country

Global warming is being blamed as the main cause of storm Daniel, which devastated eastern Libya on 10 September 2023. Coming from Greece via Turkey and Bulgaria, the extreme weather phenomenon caused massive flooding, killing thousands of people. In its 6th report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicted disastrous scenarios for Africa. Floods will displace 2.7 million people by 2050.

MOROCCO: here’s how the Rabat Zoological Garden is adapting to the heatwave

In Morocco, the Rabat National Zoological Garden (JZN) has put in place measures to ensure the well-being of its animals during the heatwave. In a « red » alert bulletin published on 15 July 2023, the Directorate General of Meteorology (DGM) announced that a heatwave was expected between 17 and 21 July 2023 in various provinces of the Kingdom, with temperatures varying between 37 and 48°C.

AFRICA: pre-COP28 negotiations show no promise for the continent

The Bonn Conference on Climate Change (also known as SB58) ended on 15 June 2023 at the headquarters of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Germany. This was the last chance for climate negotiators to meet before COP28 in Dubai in December. But the 10-day talks ended without any clear, concrete commitments from developed countries on the recurring problem of financing climate action in low-income countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.

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COP27: Comifac demands the funding promised for its forests at COP26

At the recently concluded 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt, the Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC) took to the stage to denounce one of the unfulfilled promises of COP26. At the previous summit, donors committed to funding the protection and management of the Congo Basin forests to the tune of 1.5 billion dollars. This commitment is already insufficient. The countries of the sub-region are asking for $100 billion to preserve the forests of the Congo Basin.