Toute l'actu sur la protection de l'environnement

Month: août 2023

Total 9 Posts

AFRICA: a series of seminars to improve climate warning systems

France and Germany are joining forces to improve climate risk prevention in Africa. More than 60% of the continent’s population has no climate warning system. To make good this shortfall, the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research are organising Climate services for risk reduction in Africa 2023 (CS4RRA). The initiative consists of a series of four webinars, scheduled to take place in Togo, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Senegal from September to November 2023.

GABON: international ivory trafficking network dismantled

The Gabonese authorities, in collaboration with the NGO Conservation Justice, are continuing to track down members of an international ivory trafficking network from Gabon to Cameroon. Five other suspected traffickers have been arrested in various locations. The alleged traffickers risk a prison sentence of up to 10 or even 20 years, as this is a transnational network organised as a criminal association.

NIGERIA: 200 young people trained in the role of biodiversity for the planet

The Biovers NG project aims to educate and mobilise around 200 young Nigerians on the role of biodiversity for the planet. The project, run by the SustyVibes organisation, is funded by the German embassy in Nigeria. The initiative comes at a time when biodiversity in Nigeria is steadily deteriorating. The West African country has lost more than 80% of its forest cover over the last thirty years.

Gabon : un camerounais interpelé avec 120 kg d’ivoire

Dans le cadre d’une vaste opération de lutte contre le trafic d’ivoire au Gabon, une opération d’envergure a permis d’intercepter une cargaison importante d’ivoire qui devait être acheminé depuis le Gabon vers le Cameroun par un vaste réseau organisé de trafic d’ivoire. Plusieurs personnes ont été interpellées dont au moins deux des protagonistes importants de ce trafic international.

GABON : quand la biodiversité marine permet de réduire la dette extérieure, de 450 M$

Le Gabon verra ses créances s’alléger de 450 millions de dollars, grâce au mécanisme novateur dette-nature. Piloté pour le compte du Gabon par Bank of America (BofA), le mécanisme dette-nature permet aux pays en développement de diminuer leur dette extérieure en contrepartie d’un financement de leur biodiversité. La contrepartie du Gabon consiste à protéger une partie de son écosystème marin. C’est le deuxième cas en Afrique après les Seychelles.

AFRICA: the AfDB and UNEP join forces to implement the KMGBF of biodiversity

The African Development Bank (AfDB) is joining forces with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to create an expert group on financing biodiversity in Africa. The initiative is part of the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) in Africa. This framework sets out an ambitious path for achieving the global vision of a world living in harmony with nature by 2050.