Toute l'actu sur la protection de l'environnement

Month: décembre 2022

Total 14 Posts

GABON : quatre sites de coupe illégale de bois découverts à Bitam, au nord du pays

Plusieurs enquêtes forestières, menées entre novembre et décembre 2022 dans la ville de Bitam au nord du Gabon, ont permis d’identifier quatre sites de coupe illégale de bois. Les concernés ont été entendus par l’administration déconcentrée des Eaux et Forêts pour établir leurs responsabilités au regard des différentes violations du code forestier constatées.

CONGO: 35,000 children educated about environmental protection in Pointe-Noire

In Pointe-Noire, the economic capital of the Republic of Congo, located in the extreme south of the country, 35,000 children were made aware of environmental protection in 2022. This is the result of the annual assessment of the partnership between the non-governmental organisation (NGO) Renatura and Terminal Congo, the operator of the Pointe-Noire container terminal. The two entities have trained more than 300,000 children since the beginning of their operation in 2005.

COP15: Southern countries demand $100bn per year to protect biodiversity

With less than a week to go before the end of the negotiations, the participants in the 15th United Nations Conference on Biodiversity (COP15) are divided on the thorny issue of funding. To protect their biodiversity, developing countries, particularly in Africa, are asking for a subsidy of at least 100 billion dollars per year. But the rich countries prefer a reform of the existing funds.

EAST AFRICA: the dugong, driven to extinction by humans

In the run-up to the 15th United Nations Conference on Biodiversity (COP15) to be held from 7 to 19 December 2022 in Montreal, Canada, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is updating its Red List of Threatened Species. The list now includes 42,108 species threatened with extinction, including the dugong, a large herbivorous marine mammal found on the coast of East Africa and New Caledonia.