Toute l'actu sur la protection de l'environnement

Month: janvier 2024

Total 14 Posts

GABON: transitional government readjusts its decision on the slaughter of elephants

After giving the green light to the population to kill elephants that ravage plantations or break up houses, Gabon’s President of the Transition is reversing his decision. Giving pride of place to the human element, General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema acknowledges that human-elephant conflicts must be settled in strict compliance with the law. This clarification was backed up by a press release from the Gabonese Ministry of Justice on the conditions governing the slaughter of elephant pests.

CAMEROUN : les artisans miniers ne creuseront plus au-delà de 30 m de profondeur

Dans un communiqué signé le 22 décembre 2023, le ministre camerounais des Mines, de l’Industrie et du Développement technologique par intérim, interdit toute activité minière artisanale et artisanale semi-mécanisée, pratiquée au-delà de 30 mètres de profondeur. La mesure vise à protéger non seulement l’environnement, mais aussi les vies humaines. Entre 2015 et 2022, 205 décès ont été enregistrés dans les sites miniers des régions de l’Est et de l’Adamaoua.

MADAGASCAR: vanilla cultivation in the forest threatens 47% of endemic species

Madagascar is the world leader in the vanilla industry, accounting for almost 70% of the supply, but its cultivation of the world’s most prized flavour is causing ecological damage. In a study published at the end of December 2023, researchers from the University of Göttingen in Germany indicate that vanilla cultivation in the forest leads to a 47% reduction in endemic species. This drop in biodiversity can be avoided if vanilla is grown on fallow land.