Toute l'actu sur la protection de l'environnement

Month: juin 2023

Total 6 Posts

A decree signed by the Prime Minister on 27 April 2023, reclassifying part of the Ebo forest so that it will be easier for its timber to be exploited, has been in circulation for several days. This document plunges the Banen communities back into the 2020 episode that deprived them of their land. Greenpeace is calling on the government to reverse this decision as a matter of urgency, as it jeopardises the well-being and future of these communities as well as the rich biodiversity of this forest.

This news comes three years after a similar decree was signed and then withdrawn following claims by Banen communities to their ancestral lands. At the time, the decision was welcomed by the Banen communities and environmentalists, as it restored Cameroon's reputation nationally and internationally for respecting the aspirations of its people and protecting the environment.

Faced with this backtracking, Greenpeace Africa expresses its disappointment and concern:

"The classification process does not appear to have complied with the legal and regulatory provisions. The withdrawal of the classification decree in 2020 implies that any new classification process would have to take account of these populations' right of pre-emption over this forest or else restart the consultations from the beginning, which does not seem to have been done. We fear that, as in 2020, another decree from the Prime Minister could, under equally unclear circumstances, classify the remaining part of the Ebo forest as FMU 07 005. This would make it easier for its timber to be exploited. The struggle of the Banen communities in 2020 will then have been in vain and their demands simply ignored," says Sylvie Djacbou, Forest Campaigner at Greenpeace Africa. 

The April 2023 decree mentions respect for the enclaves created within the forest estate and delimited around the former villages identified during the preparation of the management plan. "This remains a veiled way of sowing doubt around those who, in 2020, opposed the project to classify their forest, and thus to divide them in order to move forward. Contrary to what the decree indicates, these are not enclaves that have been created, because these villages existed before any idea of classifying the forest," adds Sylvie.

"We remain at the side of the Banen communities, who have unfortunately been set back and robbed of their land without really having been consulted, and therefore have not been able to exercise their right of pre-emption, as should be the case in such circumstances. This creates doubts around an idea for the Banen returning to their ancestral lands, which has always been their struggle. We encourage them to take up the pilgrim's staff again and mobilise to remind the government that the communities remain the best guardians and managers of the forest and should not be separated from it," concludes Sylvie Djacbou.

Greenpeace Afrique

Ebo Forest: government backtracking jeopardises the return of Banen communities to their land

A decree signed by the Prime Minister on 27 April 2023, reclassifying part of the Ebo forest so that it will be easier for its timber to be exploited, has been in circulation for several days. This document plunges the Banen communities back into the 2020 episode that deprived them of their land. Greenpeace is calling on the government to reverse this decision as a matter of urgency, as it jeopardises the well-being and future of these communities as well as the rich biodiversity of this forest.

La banque Lazard vient d’assister l’Équateur dans le cadre d’un montage financier bénéfique à la fois pour la nature et l’économie du pays. Concrètement, l’Équateur a échangé sa dette actuelle de 1,63 milliard de dollars contre une dette de 656 millions dollars, une transaction qui correspond à 3 % de la dette extérieure totale du pays d’Amérique du sud, soit 48,129 milliards de dollars en février 2023. En contrepartie de l’annulation de cette dette extérieure, l’Équateur assurera le financement des mesures de protection des Galápagos, un archipel classé au patrimoine de l’humanité. La rédaction d’Afrik21 s’est entretenue avec Pierre Cailleteau, associé gérant et Hamouda Chekir, gérant, qui sont tous deux, des membres de l’équipe Conseil aux gouvernements de la banque d’affaires pour décrypter ce mécanisme financier et questionner sa faisabilité dans les pays du bassin du Congo.

Afrik21 : Dans quel contexte avez-vous imaginé ce mécanisme, et quelles sont les conditions requises pour sa mise en place ?

Pierre Cailleteau : il faut tout d’abord rappeler que ce type d’opération existe depuis très longtemps. En effet, dans les grandes opérations de réduction de dette du début des années 80, et même dans les années 2000 avec notamment l’initiative Pays pauvre et très endetté (PPTE), il y a eu des opérations de conversion de dette. Le trésor Français par exemple, avait un programme spécifique qui s’appelait le C2D (conversion de dette), qui était lié à ces allègements de dette, dans le cadre du Club de Paris. C’est ainsi que la banque Lazard a travaillé sur la restructuration de la dette de la Côte d’Ivoire vis-à-vis du Club de Paris. Et il y avait un élément du C2D, celui d’un allègement additionnel, qui était lié à des engagements en matière d’investissement pour la biodiversité. Cela a été fait également pour le Gabon, pour ne citer que ces deux pays. La différence avec ce schéma est que l’on ne fait pas de la conversion sur de la dette bilatérale, mais sur de la dette de marché. Nous profitons des conditions de marché particulières, pour générer des économies pour le pays, et des sources de financements pour des programmes de conservation. Dans le cas précis de

l’Équateur, il s’agit de la conservation marine, c’est-à-dire la préservation des espaces marins au tour des Galápagos. Et les ingrédients de la réussite de cette opération sont les suivants : d’abord, il s’agit d’un pays qui a restructuré sa dette de marché en 2020. Ayant mis sa dette en post-restructuration, le pays traitait en décote, avec des obligations en dessous d’un dollar, ce qui est particulièrement intéressant. Deuxièmement, c’est un pays qui a toujours été engagé en matière de conservation, à la fois de la forêt et des espaces marins, notamment les Galápagos. Ainsi le pays était dans l’écran radar des ONG qui promeuvent les opérations Swap. C’est le cas du Pew Charitable Fondation, organisation non gouvernementale (ONG) américaine active dans les Galápagos, qui a identifié pour le compte de l’Équateur, ce type d’opération, et en a obtenu des garanties auprès du US DFC (U.S. International Development Finance Corporation).

C’est à partir de cette étape que nous sommes intervenus en tant que conseil de l’Équateur. Nous avons optimisé la structure, de façon à maximiser le montant à racheter, et minimiser le prix de rachat, afin que les bénéfices de l’opération soient dédiés à la conservation des Galápagos.

Afrik21: Quelles garanties ont été mises en place pour s’assurer que le gouvernement équatorien respecte ses engagements en faveur de la préservation de la biodiversité des îles Galápagos ?

Pierre Cailleteau : Ces garanties sont doubles. Il y a d’abord la transparence du processus, c’est-à-dire que chacun sait exactement comment cela s’est passé,  et le montant d’argent qui est alloué. Et deuxièmement, il y a la crédibilité des institutions locales, qui elles, ont un budget à utiliser pour la préservation de la zone maritime. Et à ce niveau, il faut souligner que les nouveaux prêts prévoient des pénalités en cas de manquement important, et pour une durée prolongée, et des engagements en matière de conservation. C’est fondamentalement le mélange de la transparence du processus et de la crédibilité des acteurs.    

Afrik21 : Ce type d’opération est-elle réplicable en Afrique, notamment pour les pays du Bassin du Congo, qui regorgent le deuxième poumon vert de la planète ?   

Hamouda Chekir: C’est tout à fait réplicable en Afrique. Premièrement, parce sur le continent il y a beaucoup de pays qui ont un montant très important de dettes obligataires, et qui ont des problèmes de refinancement de ces dettes. D’ailleurs d’ici à 2025, il va y avoir un mur de refinancement de la dette en Afrique subsaharienne, et comme vous le savez, la dernière fois qu’un souverain africain a émis de la dette obligataire, remonte à 18 mois. Il y a donc un problème de manque de ressources, pour aider les souverains africains, à refinancer les dettes obligataires qu’ils ont émis entre 2010 et 2020. Et c’est en cela que le Swap « dette contre nature » peut être intéressant pour les pays africains. 

Le but de ce type d’initiative est de préserver des espaces très visibles, qui ont des externalités positives pour l’ensemble de la planète, et qui sont des foyers de biodiversité. En cela le bassin du Congo est effectivement une zone particulièrement intéressante.

Afrik21 : La Banque Lazard conseille des gouvernements, y compris en Afrique. Compte-t-elle appuyer davantage ce modèle en lieu et place de l’annulation pur et simple de la dette ?   

Hamouda Chekir : Nous sommes tout à fait disposés à accompagner les gouvernements d’Afrique centrale vers ce modèle de financement de la biodiversité. D’autant plus qu’il s’agit de notre cœur de métier, de notre expertise financière. En tant que banque citoyenne, nous sommes contents de participer à des mécanismes financiers qui dirigent l’argent vers des besoins de préservation de la biodiversité.

Afrik21 : En dehors de ce modèle, quels autres moyens conseillez-vous pour un meilleur financement de la biodiversité en Afrique, notamment en Afrique centrale, où les forêts tropicales du bassin du Congo reçoivent des flux marginaux.

Pierre Cailleteau : beaucoup d’autres mécanismes financiers existent. Il s’agit des modèles qui ne font pas réduire la dette, mais qui apportent de l’argent nouveau, pour protéger la biodiversité. Nous travaillons aussi entre autres, sur les émissions d’obligations vertes, qui sont beaucoup plus exigeantes et fondées sur des objectifs de soutenabilité avec des critères liés à des politiques de biodiversité. Ainsi les taux d’intérêts payés par l’État vont croître ou baisser, en fonction de l’atteinte, ou non, des objectifs de biodiversité fixés.   

Mais Swap « dette contre nature » est particulièrement adapté pour les pays d’Afrique. Car la beauté avec ce mécanisme, c’est qu’il exploite le fait que les taux dans le monde ont augmenté, et que par conséquent, il y a des décotes significatives sur la dette de beaucoup de pays africains. Les modèles de financement traditionnel, basés simplement sur la mobilisation de l’argent, sont très déterminés par les niveaux des taux d’intérêt, qui de nos jours sont malheureusement très élevés.

Pour proposer davantage de solutions de financement adapté, Lazard a créé il y a deux ans, un centre de recherche sur le climat (le Lazard climate center), où toutes les réflexions sur les financements innovants pour la protection de l’environnement sont au centre des préoccupations.

Afrik21 : Selon vous, que peut-on attendre du sommet pour un nouveau pacte financier mondial, qui se tient actuellement à Paris ?

Pierre Cailleteau : Nous sommes dans un contexte où l’accès des pays Africains ou des pays en voie de développement au marché des capitaux est très restreint, voire inexistant. Et ce sommet semble être une bonne occasion pour discuter des outils dont dispose notamment le secteur privé pour restructurer la dette de ces pays. La détresse financière des pays représente l’obstacle numéro un au traitement des problèmes climatiques. Et le fait de concentrer les attentions, notamment celles des principaux créanciers du monde, est un signal important vers la résolution des problèmes qui nous sont chers, à savoir la biodiversité et le climat. 

Propos recueillis par Boris Ngounou et Delphine Chène

Pierre Cailleteau et Hamouda Chekir: « « le swap dette contre nature » … adapté pour le bassin du Congo »

La banque Lazard vient d’assister l’Équateur dans le cadre d’un montage financier bénéfique à la fois pour la nature et l’économie du pays. Concrètement, l’Équateur a échangé sa dette actuelle de 1,63 milliard de dollars contre une dette de 656 millions dollars, une transaction qui correspond à 3 % de la dette extérieure totale du pays d’Amérique du sud, soit 48,129 milliards de dollars en février 2023. En contrepartie de l’annulation de cette dette extérieure, l’Équateur assurera le financement des mesures de protection des Galápagos, un archipel classé au patrimoine de l’humanité. La rédaction d’Afrik21 s’est entretenue avec Pierre Cailleteau, associé gérant et Hamouda Chekir, gérant, qui sont tous deux, des membres de l’équipe Conseil aux gouvernements de la banque d’affaires pour décrypter ce mécanisme financier et questionner sa faisabilité dans les pays du bassin du Congo.

The Summit for a « New Global Financial Deal » is being held on 22 and 23 June 2023 in Paris, the capital of France. Among the nearly 100 heads of state and government expected to attend the summit, Central African leaders are expected to focus on the funding needed to protect the forests of the Congo Basin. The world’s second largest green lung has been left out of international financial flows for the protection and sustainable management of tropical forests.
Spanning six countries (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon), the Congo Basin provides vital services for both humans and the planet. According to the World Wild Fund (WWF), it has fed and provided shelter for 75 million people for over fifty thousand years. These forests, which are home to a range of animal species including forest elephants, lowland gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos, also play an essential role in regulating the planet’s climate.
According to estimates by the Center for Global Development (CGD), the Congo Basin forest, which covers a total area of 298 million hectares, absorbs around 600 megatonnes of CO2 every year (1 megatonne = 1 million tonnes). In terms of carbon credits, this corresponds to 30 billion US dollars per year, based on the social value of carbon estimated at 50 dollars per tonne in 2020 by the US Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs).
Discriminatory and insignificant funding©MEE KO DONG/Shutterstock
In its 2021 report on the state of the Congo Basin Forests, the Observatoire des forêts d’Afrique centrale (OFAC) states that « … undisturbed forests in Africa are now absorbing more carbon than those in the Amazon ».
Yet the tropical forests of Central Africa receive far less funding than those of Amazonia and South-East Asia. Studies carried out by the Collective of Environment Ministers and Researchers for the Defence of the Congo Basin reveal that between 2008 and 2017, the Congo Basin received only 11% of international financial flows intended for the protection and sustainable management of tropical forests, compared with 55% for South-East Asia and 34% for Amazonia.
Even at continental level, funding for biodiversity continues to discriminate against the Congo Basin. In 2015, the Future Climate for Africa (FCFA) invested US$27 million in pan-African modelling and four projects focusing on East, West and Southern Africa. Nothing in the Congo Basin or Central Africa.
Apart from their marginal nature, funding for biodiversity in Central Africa is far below the amounts needed. OFAC estimates that around 200 million dollars are needed to implement the priority actions of the Convergence Plan of the Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC), between 2021 and 2025.
At the 15th United Nations Conference on Biodiversity (COP15), held in Egypt in December 2022, the countries of Africa, Brazil, India and Indonesia expressed their financial needs to reverse the global loss of biodiversity: protect 30% of land and sea, halve the use of pesticides, restore 20 or 30% of degraded land, and so on. They are calling on the rich countries to provide financial subsidies of at least 100 billion dollars a year, or 1% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP) until 2030, i.e. around ten times the amount of aid currently provided, and as much as has been promised for the fight against global warming. Developing countries would like to receive these subsidies via a new global fund for biodiversity.
Insufficient data to support decision-making
One of the reasons for the low level of funding for biodiversity in Central Africa is the lack of knowledge of the terrain. While recent data from Comifac suggests that the tropical forests of the Congo Basin are more carbon-dense and more effective at slowing climate change and resisting its effects than Amazonian rainforests, it still does not explain how increasing droughts, higher temperatures, selective logging and deforestation might interact in the region.
The same applies to the quantities of carbon stored in vegetation and soils. At present, most Central African countries are relying on default values, which could turn out to be very wrong.
And yet these and other quantities of stored carbon must be declared, in accordance with the commitments made by countries under the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.
To fill this gap in scientific data on the forests of the Congo Basin, the Collective of Environment Ministers and Researchers for the Defence of the Congo Basin is calling for a $100 million research programme to be set up. « This would create a new generation of scientists, including future leaders in Central Africa. The training programme would ensure the radical change needed in scientific capacity and provide opportunities for young African researchers who currently find it difficult to compete for international grants, which are often won by students from Asia or South America », explains the collective in an article published on Jeune Afrique.
The main financiers of biodiversity in Central Africa
Although the funds allocated to biodiversity in Central Africa are still largely insufficient, the flows available are mainly from mixed financing, public-private partnerships (PPPs) and private initiatives such as the African Development Bank (AfDB), the World Bank, the French Development Agency (AFD), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Eco.Business Fund, the Fund for Trade and Investment in Agriculture in Africa (initiated by Germany), the Livelihoods Fund, the Moringa Partnership and the Althelia Climate Fund.
International initiatives such as AFR100 (the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative, aimed at restoring 100 million hectares of deforested and degraded landscapes in Africa by 2030) and, above all, REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, combined with sustainable forest management, conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks), also count towards mobilising funds for Central Africa’s forests.
According to OFAC, nearly 200 million dollars were mobilised between 2016 and 2020 to finance REDD+ activities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In the joint declaration of the 26th United Nations Climate Conference (COP26) held in November 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland, twelve of the world’s richest countries and the Bezos Earth Fund set the minimum amount to be mobilised for the protection and sustainable management of the Congo Basin forests at 1.5 billion dollars.
Financing models
Gabon is one of the Central African countries that receives the most funding for biodiversity, compared with the rest of the countries in the sub-region. With almost 88% forest cover, Gabon is promoting green diplomacy, the effectiveness of which is reflected in the funding obtained on the carbon market. In 2019, Norway has pledged to pay Gabon $150 million to protect its forests as part of the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI).
Long before this funding, the country underwent an independent audit of its deforestation rates in 2016 and 2017. The conclusive results of this study – a deforestation rate of around 0.1% per year – enabled Gabon to obtain an initial payment of $17 million under the REDD+ initiative, becoming the first African country to be paid to protect its forests.
To capitalise on the climate and ecosystem services provided by its forests, Gabon has proposed a new model for financing biodiversity. Biodiversity credits », a certified unit held by a country or a project for its contribution to preserving natural resources. « We’re going to start working on a biodiversity credit system like carbon credits. The Congo Basin is the heart and lungs of Africa, and it helps to keep our continent stable. Surely we can put a price on this service and put a value on this equatorial forest, » explains Lee White, Gabon’s Minister of Water and Forests.
While waiting for « biodiversity credits » to be examined and, if possible, validated by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD, or Rio Convention), several other models for financing biodiversity are available, although it is often difficult to develop financially viable models that are likely to convince banks of the stakes involved in biodiversity.
In the litany of solutions applied, green bonds have been one of the main innovative financing mechanisms for biodiversity in recent years.
The African Wildlife Capital (AWC) fund has played a pioneering role in this field, by applying a rebate on bond interest that is proportional to the achievement of quantifiable conservation objectives. However, this market faces a number of limitations, including the difficulty of translating the value of ecosystem services into financial terms, and the scarcity of conservation projects likely to be financed by such investments, which leads to a mismatch between the limited size of the projects and the minimum amount of a bond issue. According to Tine Fisker Henriksen, head of innovative financing at the Bertha Centre for Social Innovation (University of Cape Town in South Africa) and Wassa Cissé, investment analyst at Bestseller Found, only 5 to 10% of the proceeds of green bonds have been allocated to biodiversity to date.
The countries of the Congo Basin can also use the « debt for nature » swap, which consists of cancelling the debt of a developing country in exchange for a commitment by the latter to invest the same amount in conservation. Little used in Africa, with the exception of the Seychelles, this mechanism is currently being implemented in Ecuador. Advised by the Lazare Bank, on 9 May 2023 Quito obtained a reduction in its debt in exchange for its commitment to finance the conservation of the Galapagos Islands, an archipelago listed as a World Heritage Site because of its biodiversity. The debt reduction is equivalent to a total of 450 million dollars over 18 years.
Investors have agreed to sell $656 million worth of bonds for fear that the country’s financial and political situation will deteriorate further. Others agreed to acquire them despite the risks, on condition that the operation served to protect the Galapagos, and thanks to financial guarantees from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the US development agency Development Finance Corporation (DFC).
Fanta Mabo

CENTRAL AFRICA: what funding for the Congo Basin forests?

The Summit for a « New Global Financial Deal » is being held on 22 and 23 June 2023 in Paris, the capital of France. Among the nearly 100 heads of state and government expected to attend the summit, Central African leaders are expected to focus on the funding needed to protect the forests of the Congo Basin. The world’s second largest green lung has been left out of international financial flows for the protection and sustainable management of tropical forests.

Cameroon’s traditional chiefs are joining forces to help protect the country’s forests and wildlife, considered to be the cornerstone of Cameroon’s cultural heritage. Mobilised by the nature conservation organisation WildAid, these guardians of tradition are saying no to pangolin meat. Researchers have shown that at least 500,000 to 2.7 million pangolins are caught each year in Central Africa, at the risk of biodiversity and the ecosystem role of this animal in the forest.
Despite its supposed responsibility for transmitting the Covid-19 virus to humans, the pangolin is the most poached animal on the planet, well ahead of the rhinoceros and the elephant. In Cameroon in particular, a survey carried out by the conservation organisation WildAid and the Central African Bushmeat Action Group in 2022 revealed that pangolin was the second most commonly consumed form of bushmeat after porcupine, with 49% of bushmeat consumers in the towns of Douala and Mbalmayo saying they had eaten pangolin in the previous 12 months.
WildAid also conducted a second survey of the general public in five towns in Cameroon. It revealed that awareness of the 2017 law protecting pangolins was very low. Only 29% of respondents knew that it was illegal to kill and trade all species of pangolin.
To reverse this trend, traditional Cameroonian leaders are joining forces with WildAid to call for the protection of the country’s forests and the wildlife that lives there, such as the endangered pangolin. « Our story began in the vast, wild forests of Cameroon, where animal life flourished and Mother Nature reigned. She fed us, cherished us and cared for us. Now we have to defend her and protect all the wild animals that are part of her », says Muanedi Dissake Mouangue, the traditional chief of Bonamoukouri-Bonakouamouang, in the Littoral region.
« Our culture teaches us to respect nature and honour our traditions. Pangolins are a symbol of our incredible and unique forest, of Cameroonian heritage and a pillar of our identity. Eating pangolins will lead to their extinction, and therefore to the extinction of a symbol of our culture. Let’s protect our forests and the wildlife that lives there. And let’s start by saying NO to pangolin meat », says Nkukuma Mvondo Bruno, the traditional chief of Minkok-Bityili, in the southern region.
A vital animal for forest ecosystems
The appeal by Cameroon’s traditional chiefs is part of the « Say no to pangolin meat » campaign, launched in 2022 with the support of football legends Rigobert Song, Roger Milla and Patrick Mboma, as well as musicians Stanley Enow and Locko, and visual artist Bright Toh. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the crucial role pangolins play in maintaining a healthy environment, and highlights Cameroon’s potential to become a leader in conservation in Africa by protecting these unique animals. The campaign is taking place in Douala, Yaoundé, Mbalmayo, Ebolowa and Bertoua.
Pangolins are essential to the forest ecosystem and help combat parasites that can also cause major damage to agricultural crops. A single pangolin can consume up to 70 million ants and termites in a year, or almost 200,000 insects a day. By consuming these harmful insects, pangolins help to regulate insect populations and protect Cameroon’s agricultural sector, which employs around 43% of the country’s workforce and provides a livelihood for around 70% of the population.
« The pangolin, the protector of our forests and soils, must be safeguarded to prevent damage to the environment and the loss of our cultural identity. Every living creature found in Cameroon is an integral part of its culture and traditions. We need to be aware of the importance of protecting pangolins, otherwise we will lose far more than we can imagine », warns Jennifer Biffot, WildAid’s French-speaking representative in Central Africa.
Cameroon is home to three species of pangolin: the giant pangolin, the white-bellied pangolin and the black-bellied pangolin. Aware that these species are in danger of extinction, the Cameroonian government took a decision in 2017. This prohibits the hunting, capture, slaughter and trade of all species of pangolin in Cameroon.
Fanta Mabo

CAMEROON: traditional chiefs say no to pangolin meat

Cameroon’s traditional chiefs are joining forces to help protect the country’s forests and wildlife, considered to be the cornerstone of Cameroon’s cultural heritage. Mobilised by the nature conservation organisation WildAid, these guardians of tradition are saying no to pangolin meat. Researchers have shown that at least 500,000 to 2.7 million pangolins are caught each year in Central Africa, at the risk of biodiversity and the ecosystem role of this animal in the forest.

The Bonn Conference on Climate Change (also known as SB58) ended on 15 June 2023 at the headquarters of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Germany. This was the last chance for climate negotiators to meet before COP28 in Dubai in December. But the 10-day talks ended without any clear, concrete commitments from developed countries on the recurring problem of financing climate action in low-income countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.
The 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) will be held from 30 November to 12 December 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. As is customary, delegates from around the world met in Bonn, Germany, to prepare the broad guidelines for the next COP. These guidelines appear once again to have overlooked the urgent financing needs of the countries most threatened by climate change, particularly African countries.
« According to current trends, Africa’s climate gap is around 1.3 trillion dollars for the decade 2020-2030. Unfortunately, the crucial issue of climate finance in particular did not gain much ground in the negotiations and discussions in Bonn. The failure to make solid progress in finding concrete and sustainable solutions to the ever-growing climate finance gap is particularly worrying in light of the debt crisis facing many African countries today, which is already being exacerbated by climate shocks », says John Asafu-Adjaye, Senior Researcher at the African Centre for Economic Transformation (ACET).
COP28 is billed as the most important since the one that led to the Paris Agreement in 2015. This summit will see the first global stocktaking, an assessment of the progress made towards achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement. The agreement calls for richer countries to provide $100 billion in climate finance each year, as well as an additional $40 billion to help developing countries adapt to climate change. But this provision has not been respected.
All is not lost, however. On 22 and 23 June 2023, around a hundred leaders will meet in Paris, France, for the Summit on a New Financial Deal to meet the needs of around 2% of gross domestic product (GDP) in emerging economies (excluding China). To achieve this, they are expected to agree on transformational changes such as tripling World Bank lending to low- and middle-income countries, which could reach $1,200 billion by 2030, and agree on the use of International Monetary Fund (IMF) Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) through similar banks.
Fanta Mabo

AFRICA: pre-COP28 negotiations show no promise for the continent

The Bonn Conference on Climate Change (also known as SB58) ended on 15 June 2023 at the headquarters of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Germany. This was the last chance for climate negotiators to meet before COP28 in Dubai in December. But the 10-day talks ended without any clear, concrete commitments from developed countries on the recurring problem of financing climate action in low-income countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.