Toute l'actu sur la protection de l'environnement

Tag: Climate finance

Total 7 Posts

AFRIQUE : plus de 74% des journalistes lâchent l’environnement, faute de financement

Le Réseau des journalistes africains spécialisés sur le développement durable et le changement climatique a publié aujourd’hui les résultats d’un sondage révélateur lors de la 3e Convention annuelle des médias africains (CMA) qui se tient du 15 au 17 mai 2024 à Accra au Ghana. Cette enquête, menée du 10 au 13 mai 2024, met en lumière les défis financiers auxquels sont confrontés les journalistes couvrant les questions environnementales à travers le continent.

AFRICA: pre-COP28 negotiations show no promise for the continent

The Bonn Conference on Climate Change (also known as SB58) ended on 15 June 2023 at the headquarters of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Germany. This was the last chance for climate negotiators to meet before COP28 in Dubai in December. But the 10-day talks ended without any clear, concrete commitments from developed countries on the recurring problem of financing climate action in low-income countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.

Charles Balogoun: « Over 70% of arable land is already degraded

Oyéoussi Charles Balogoun is the Africa Representative of the NGO Panel under the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). The Civil Society Panel (CSO Panel) of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) represents nearly 500 organisations accredited to the Convention. Charles Balogoun is also the Global President and Chairman of the Board of the non-governmental organisation (NGO) Afrique Espérance. He answers ENVIRONNEMENTALES’s questions on the state of desertification in Africa.

CONGO: Towards a national framework for the implementation of the green economy

The Republic of Congo will soon have a harmonised framework for the implementation of the green economy. Actors from various backgrounds were consulted to this effect on 31 March 2023 in Brazzaville. The workshop, co-organised by the Congolese Ministry of Forest Economy and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), was held within the framework of the Regional Programme for the Environment in Central Africa (CARPE).

AFRICA: Climate crisis causes 15% annual loss of GDP per capita

Africa is losing between 5% and 15% of its per capita GDP growth due to climate change and its associated effects. These figures have just been released by Kevin Chika Urama, the acting chief economist of the African Development Bank (AfDB). According to the expert, the continent needs about $1.6 trillion between 2022 and 2030 to implement its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).